Your e-assistant makes business easy
Your e-assistant is bringing outsourcing services that will cover end-to-end operational work such as: Bookkeeping and virtual secretary that consume a lot of time for business owner. The objective of our services is to allow our clients to focus on their core expertise and business process. Your e-assistant is flexible and provides customized services per client’s need.
The buck stops here for a majority of organizations looking for offshore business operations management. For a company in the USA, Europe, or Australia, to find and acquire skilled resources, and then hire and train them, would involve, dedicating a lot of organizational infrastructure, as well as allocating necessary funds. Outsourcing work to a low-cost, yet effective outsourcing provider helps you save as much as 50% of the original costs. It helps a business great deal utilizing these savings to invest in new business areas. And ignite sustained growth in this current economic scenario.
While scalability of a job size is linked directly to the cost factor, it is also due to the easy availability of skilled resources for specialized tasks such as data entry where the margins for error are very low. An average company does not require huge volumes of data to be processed constantly. The volumes of data fluctuate, and there may be times, when there is no data to be processed; and in that situation hiring and retaining staff for a specialized data entry job drains the company of its funds, which could lead to losses. On the other hand, outsourcing your data entry jobs to skilled resources, allows you to scale up the job size at a very short notice, saving your organization valuable funds.
Process Management
On paper, data entry appears to be the least attractive of all business processes that can be, and are outsourced. And while it may appear so, it requires a due amount of diligence, security, and processes to be followed, to ensure high levels of accuracy, without the loss of information. There are security protocols embedded in the workflow at the organizations which specialize in business process management. You can bank on us for outsourcing your data entry jobs to us, and focus on the key areas to take your business to the next level.
Outsourcing Provides an Edge
Outsourcing gives an edge particularly to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that comprise a larger chunk in the world economy. In the US, 99.7% of US companies are SMEs, with the Small Business Association estimating that more than 30% of which would not make it past two years in business. Small and medium business owners have limited options because of the restrictive budget, so outsourcing presents a viable option for businesses to survive without adopting drastic measures such as layoffs. Outsourcing presents a win-win solution for SMEs to grow their business, while staying on budget.
Time-zone Benefits
Outsourcing your business processes such as data entry jobs to India is like having your office work for you 24/7. The only difference in this case, is that this would cost much less than if you were to actually do it. In the most literal way, managers in the European, or American time zones, could assign work to us, even at the end of the day, and receive completed assignments when they return to work in their country the next morning. We work pretty much round-the-clock.
Chasing Business
Lot of activities of business required lot strong follow ups and chasing things to ensuring its happen on time. This task takes lot of energy and with our assistant it makes life more easy. Such on-core business functions can also eat up a lot of resources and that too without adding a worthwhile amount of value to your business. Outsourcing such non-core business functions helps you improve your business workflow by not having to worry about accomplishing those time-consuming tasks for you.

What makes Your e-assistant different?
Today’s business environment has changed drastically, and technologies have evolved. With e-commerce and internet world, companies are realizing that they need to conduct business differently. Non-core tasks are being outsourced. Cloud computing is becoming the norm, and teams are created based on reliability, talent and expertise — not on geographical location.
What do customers think of us?
“Couldn’t believe the level of professionalism. Simply wow services by Your e-assistant!”
Fiona Hartwell
Manager“Their bookkeeping team is helping me save time and money every year!”
Mary Stilwell
Partner“Your e-assistant has been my outsourcing partner. They have solution for all my business needs. Superb team!”